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A new comic about Lumberjacks… with swords

A new comic about Lumberjacks… with swords

Lumberjacks with Swords webcomic

Uncle Viking - a character from Lumberjacks with Swords comic

Uncle Viking—any resemblance to live persons is purely ... coincidental?

In our recurring theme of celebrating projects and content from Icrontians, I’m happy to introduce a new webcomic by our very own Nicole Lapointe, entitled “Lumberjacks with Swords”, a webcomic set somewhere in the northern woods (vaguely Canadian-ish), in a world in which lumberjacks cut down trees with mighty swords, face enemies like super-polite vikings and death-metal centurions, and eat a lot of pancakes. Or something like that.

You’ll meet characters such as Jack, Jill, and Jacques. There’s Gnorm the Gnome, and many threats to the Lumberjack way of life to deal with. Of course, no Lumberjack day would be complete without a hearty pancake breakfast.

I asked Nicole what her inspiration was, and she said “Something ridiculously manly.” I can’t talk to this girl, I have no idea where her head is.

At any rate, the comic is just getting started, but you can subscribe to her RSS, visit the site, or like her page on Facebook. It’s also on Twitter at @lumberjackcomic.

Expect new comics once a week, depending on how busy Nicole is serving me hand and foot, rubbing my head, making me cupcakes, or grooming the dogs.


  1. pseudonym
    pseudonym Yes, but does it have Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen?
  2. GHoosdum
    GHoosdum The "Been here the whole time actually" lumberjack should be Joe's avatar.
  3. Bandrik
    Bandrik Sword-wielding lumberjacks? Super-polite vikings? Death-metal centurions?

    I rate this comic as AWESOME-PLUS.
  4. Jokke
    Jokke Is it dead already? No new updates for a while...
  5. Myrmidon
    Myrmidon Yeah, I've been checking it occasionally during my 'morning webcomic' routine. Not happening, eh?
  6. Mt_Goat
    Mt_Goat In honor of lumberjacks everywhere, I give you......

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PpxQp3Hy5nk&quot; frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. primesuspect
    primesuspect I keep bugging her about it, but she's super busy with commission work and her regular job :(
  8. Canti
    Canti Making comics is hard even when you have ideas and time to do them if you are burdened with other things. I have a ton of ideas for my MS paints but even when I have free time there is little motivation to do them because free time is so rare lately that I'd rather do other things. With this in mind my paints might take half an hour or so and they are awful(y good). I can't imagine how long it takes to make a Lumberjack comic. In the end you can't rush something like this or the end product won't be as good as it could be. I mean hell, how long did it take to finish the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
  9. Myrmidon
    Canti wrote:
    I mean hell, how long did it take to finish the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?

    About ten minutes. I mean, you know, assuming you're asking about that point where he was ten minutes away from finishing.
  10. PinkInDetroit
    PinkInDetroit So...basically what Canti said. This sums it up. And it's been summer. Super busy cake season, and...well..."doing other shit" season.

    But good news! Winter is coming! >=T Which means you lucky bastards will get your lumberjack on. or...you can lumberjack off.
  11. Tushon
  12. Jokke
  13. Jokke

    Site is down? Now we'll never know what happens next.... Why you gotta be such a tease?

  14. Myrmidon

    Why did this pop to the top of my unread lists? I want more lumberjacks with swords. :(

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