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Dr. Horrible re-interpreted as an 8-bit NES game

Dr. Horrible re-interpreted as an 8-bit NES game

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Game banner

After hitting near cult status, the Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog has been re-interpreted as an 8-bit NES video game and presented as a video. The video was part of the 8-Bit Dr. Horrible project, and aptly named Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Game and features very well-made 8-bit remixes of the Dr. Horrible songs such as Bad Horse’s theme song.

The entire video was created by Levi Buffum (known online as Doctor Octoroc) as a tribute to Dr. Horrible (Joss Whedon) and the NES system. Likewise, the video is a very solid re-envisioning of the Dr. Horrible video, with the audio’s instrumentation produced by the original NES’s sound systems via MidiNES.

The video is available on the Doctor Octorok blog website, with a direct link to the video here, or view an excerpt below that includes all of Act I.


  1. Bandrik
    Bandrik On a slight note, only Act I is done so far. Acts II and III are still to come. Just wanted to clarify that.

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