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Icon Entertainment to spoof AVATAR

Icon Entertainment to spoof AVATAR

Icon entertainment, bringer of such films as Scary Movie, Date Movie, Meet the Spartans, and Vampires Suck, has this week announced their latest film lampoon.

The Biggest Movie of All Time will lampoon the famous, high-budget James Cameron’s Avatar. The studio released a poster, and this plot synopsis:

With a domestic box office of nearly 700 million dollars and an overseas haul of over 2 billion, it was only a matter time before this behemoth got a good ribbing. And what could possibly be riper for satire? You got half naked blue people plugging their hair into strange flying horses so they can read their thoughts! And nothing in this mega blockbuster is off limits, from its overly simplified message of “big corporations = bad; tree hugging environmentalist = good,” to the broadly drawn characters like the buffed out Colonel who’s in a perpetual ‘roid rage to the very colorful, glowing and… come on, totally stony world of Pandora. And just like “Avatar” our movie will be in eye popping 3-D – making it the very first spoof movie ever in this format. It’s a perfect showcase for our outrageous sight gags, physical comedy and audacious stunts that will make for a hilarious film and uproarious audience experience.


  1. Kwitko
    Kwitko In b4 Bobby rage.
  2. Thrax
    Thrax in b4 "i don't really like avatar all that much guys, gosh"
  3. Kwitko
  4. Tushon
    Tushon lololol .. i laughed more at the rage than the premise of the movie
  5. Koreish
    Koreish Can I rage just because these stupid lampoon movies should stop. They're all horrible and rushed through production just to make a quick buck. They're rare to get a laugh because the "jokes" are rapid fire and poorly used. Most of them rely entirely on how much Pop Culture knowledge the audience has. Even then the joke just directly references pop culture rather than giving us some insightful reason as to why its dumb.
  6. Tushon
    Tushon Rage away, but know that your raging will not have any affect on studios churning these out.
  7. Thrax
    Thrax Nor on my enjoyment of these terrible ventures.
  8. SpencerForHire
    SpencerForHire I hope they do Pokemon soon....
  9. Bandrik
    Bandrik I love how freakin tall you make Bobby in the comic. Very nice, TROLOLOL indeed. Hah!
  10. ErrorNullTurnip
    ErrorNullTurnip Also fun are Rifftrax made by the guys who did MST3K. Now they're spoofing popular big-name movies now like Avatar and the Twilight series.
  11. UPSLynx
    UPSLynx hahahahahahaha!

    Kwitko, that thing has me in stitches. Nice work.

    Thing is, I'm always down for a good spoof. Icon Entertainment, however, completely and utterly sucks.
  12. GHoosdum
    GHoosdum Typically any movie with the word "Movie" in the title is complete and utter shit.
  13. CB
    CB That's because they're all made by this same studio.

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