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Score a free movie for liking Redbox

Score a free movie for liking Redbox

Have a couple of hours to watch a movie this Thursday, February 24th? Do you have one of those Redbox movie rental kiosks near your place? Like free stuff? If you’ve answered “yes” to the last few questions, then you’ll definitely want to check this out. For the low, low price of clicking the “like” button on Redbox’s Facebook page, followed by clicking the envelope located on the “FREEBIE” tab, you can score a code which is good for one free DVD movie rental.

The only real catch to the deal is that you can only use the free movie code this upcoming Thursday, February 24th. As such, you’ll either want to get online first thing in the morning and reserve your movie through the Redbox site, or head to a nearby kiosk as soon as you can. I speak from experience on this—the last time Redbox gave away free movie rentals, I forgot to redeem the code I’d gotten until later in the evening. For my forgetfulness, I was rewarded with an insanely cheesy romcom that felt like someone stuck footage from The Wedding Planner and Manos: Hands of Fate in a blender and then smeared the resultant overblown, repetitive dreck on a DVD. Trust me—you don’t want to make the same mistake.

Head over to Facebook to snag your free Redbox code, and make sure to get your movie first thing this Thursday!


  1. primesuspect
    primesuspect And with that, a warm welcome to Krystalle Voecks, our newest contributor :)
  2. Krystalle
    Krystalle Thanks! Good to be part of the team. ^.^
  3. Bandrik
    Bandrik Again, welcome to the Icrontic team, Krystalle! Great first article, by the way. It looks nice, is full of links, and was fun to read. And informative!

    More on-topic: a Red Box has gone up at the gas station just down the street from my house. I may just take up this offer... though I always feel like I'm selling part of my digital soul when I see those "click I LIKE THIS and get stuff!" offers. =P
  4. Krystalle
    Krystalle Thanks, Bandrik! I'm a deal-hound, so it was fun to get to write it up as opposed to my normal method of tweeting deals.

    I can totally understand the trepidation on clicking "like" for a freebie, too. Some of the marketing Facebook connections can really take advantage of people's pursuit of a deal to pull friends' information as well as one's own info. For what it's worth, this one only pulls your information, and I've never had an issue with Redbox spamming me or cluttering up my Facebook wall too much. They do these freebie giveaways every so often.

    Mind, you can always snag the code and just hit "unlike" too. :)
  5. Cliff_Forster
    Cliff_Forster Redbox just straight up wins. What is not to like? A buck a night, and you can take it back to whatever kiosk you want, and, best of all, you can reserve them online from their real time inventory then pick them up on your time. Its a brilliant system.
  6. primesuspect
    primesuspect The lazy prefer Netflix.

    And WHEN are we going to get all-digital? Disks are so 20th century.
  7. Krystalle
    The lazy prefer Netflix.

    And WHEN are we going to get all-digital? Disks are so 20th century.

    I love Netflix too, but I went hunting for The Muppet Movie the other day, and no dice. Disc or nothing.

    Until they catch up with the backlog of awesome old movies out there, I'm going to hold onto my old-school media and streaming subscription. :D
  8. Kwitko
    Kwitko I have The Muppet Movie on DVD if you want. No charge.
  9. Krystalle
    Kwitko wrote:
    I have The Muppet Movie on DVD if you want. No charge.

    Aww, thanks! I already broke down and ordered it, but I appreciate the thought. :)
  10. Kwitko
    Kwitko My 4-year old just doesn't appreciate it like I did.
  11. kryyst
    kryyst I have different problem with my 4 year old. She doesn't understand it when she goes to other peoples homes that she can't watch whatever she wants whenever she wants like she can at her house. She just doesn't get it that not everybody can stream anything SHE wants on demand. The whole concept of waiting until her favorite show comes on the channel is so foreign to her that she thinks they are trying to punish her.
  12. ardichoke
    The lazy prefer Netflix.

    And WHEN are we going to get all-digital? Disks are so 20th century.

    This is exactly why I started ripping my entire DVD collection the other week. I have the storage. I have the HTPC. Now I just need to finish converting everything to x264/AAC
  13. Bandrik
    kryyst wrote:
    I have different problem with my 4 year old. She doesn't understand it when she goes to other peoples homes that she can't watch whatever she wants whenever she wants like she can at her house. She just doesn't get it that not everybody can stream anything SHE wants on demand. The whole concept of waiting until her favorite show comes on the channel is so foreign to her that she thinks they are trying to punish her.

    This is a pretty amazing example of how younger generations are interpreting new technologies in the entertainment industry. I won't even start by saying it's a good OR bad thing, but it certianly is interesting to see how kids are taking to tech these days.

    My main fear is that one day I'll be complaining about networking my PS6 to my Windows 11 superdupercomputer and an 8 year old overhears me and says "oh that's easy, just cross-path the blahblahgeekystuffblah to the yaddayaddadoohicky, go to settings and set these fifty different things to these attributes, reset it twice and you're done!"


    Yeah, it's gonna happen. If anything, just to piss all of today's tech geeks off. =P
  14. Thrax
    Thrax It'll only happen if you become one of those old people that stop paying attention to technology.
  15. Bandrik
    Thrax wrote:
    It'll only happen if you become one of those old people that stop paying attention to technology.

    I'll only let them overtake me if I'm dead and can't stop them. And even then... bwa ha ha...

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