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Starbucks to roll out free Wi-Fi nationwide

Starbucks to roll out free Wi-Fi nationwide

Starbucks was a bit behind the curve when it came to Wi-Fi in their stores. As a nationwide chain, it would have been nice if anybody could rely on them for a safe and predictable Wi-Fi hotspot. Unforunately, that wasn’t the case; first they were T-Mobile hotspots and then later on became AT&T hotspots—both which cost.

No longer. According to their official Twitter page, Starbucks nationwide will be going free Wi-Fi nationwide on July 1st.

While Starbucks isn’t really on my list of favorite places to visit (I hate their coffee), it is certainly nice to have a “known quantity”—a reliable hotspot that will work no matter where I’m at in the US. This is especially awesome for travelers, as Starbucks locations can be found just about anywhere there are people walking around.


  1. Garg
    Garg It's about damn time. As a student, I'm in coffee shops all the time with my laptop trying to get some work done. While I prefer the locally-owned shops for other reasons, I would have gone to Starbucks more often if it weren't for the lack of WiFi.
  2. the_technocrat
    the_technocrat Let the poorly-written screenplays fly! ;)
  3. Color_Napkin Gargoyle I don't know how you get any work done in public places like that. I need the quiet of a library :).

    Anyway, yeah. About damn time.
  4. VegaKrazmych
    VegaKrazmych While I don't like coffee, this is a move I can stand behind
  5. ardichoke
    ardichoke While I don't like STARBUCKS coffee, it's good to see them FINALLY jump on the "free internet is a coffee house staple" bandwagon.

    Still won't be going to Starbucks though. Their coffee has a horrible undertaste.
  6. thatguy try different coffee, and something called a ristretto americano. it's like coffee but without all the boldness. and ask for their lighest blend too, sometimes if you just say coffee they give you the boldest stuff. free refills in house all day as long as you stay on sight. there's nothing you can go wrong with there.
  7. ardichoke
    ardichoke HAH... nothing you can go wrong with there? I have the feeling I'm being trolled here.... but I'll bite anyway. I'm a lover of coffee. Really, I am. Starbucks serves shit coffee though. I would rather drink the coffee at Denny's than the swill that Starbucks puts their stamp on. That said, I'd much prefer to go to a local coffee house, especially one owned by someone that has a passion for coffee, where they serve actual good coffee. (i.e. - Gone Wired in Lansing). As for any espresso drink, yes, I'll settle for the espresso that Biggby slings, but in general if the coffee house is using an automatic or super-automatic, it's not worth it to throw your money away on it. If the barrista can't work at least semi-automatic espresso machine then they don't deserve the title.

    Starbucks is to coffee what McDonalds is to hamburgers. Sure, what they serve will pass as coffee, but if you really want a good proper cup of coffee you know to stay the hell away. Feh, I say to Starbucks. FEH!
  8. Shorty
    Shorty Ardichoke. Coffee is personal taste. I personally don't mind starbucks but given a choice, I i would pick Costa Coffee. It's the end users choice.
  9. Guyute
    Guyute This announcement virtually coincides with their announcement that they are releasing a super-size drink; 31 oz or so!! Some of you will never leave!

    They have 3 or 4 good coffees, all dark (Bold, whatever...). Here in Halifax 95% of the Starbucks are owned by 1 chap (good to be him!!) and he has 1 dark and 1 regular blend on, every month he changes the roast. Thus, if I don't like the dark roast then for a month they get nada out of me.

    Second Cup is my choice. I like all their dark coffees. I can't drink several of the other chains as they add something I am allergic to. I should support local shops more...
  10. ardichoke
    ardichoke No... actually it doesn't.... you see, this announcement happened last year.
  11. Butters
    Butters The "Trenta" is for the Iced Coffee's and Teas. If you aren't part of the 14 states that get it today (2/1/11), it will arrive on May 3rd.

    I like the Grande Cafe Americano with Soy and 4 Splendas.
  12. Guyute
    Guyute LOL realized the time delay after I posted...

    I don't drink iced coffee(s), yuck yuck yuck.
  13. Shorty
    Shorty Suddenly this lacks value having just given up coffee due to a chronic addiction to caffeine ;)
  14. jedihobbit
    ardichoke wrote:
    ........Still won't be going to Starbucks though. Their coffee has a horrible undertaste.
    Is that what you call it when it feels like it is playing Tarzan with your tongue?? ;D

    While I do treat myself occasionally to one of their "sweet coffees" (Grande mocha anyone?) I haven't acquired a taste for their "regular" coffee. Also don't own a lappy so don't even know why I'm posting here? :scratch:

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