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The 2011 Expo Icrontic Talent Show

The 2011 Expo Icrontic Talent Show

Expo Icrontic 2011 Talent ShowWe’ve had many awesome events over the years at Expo Icrontic, with new ones being added every year. This year we’re hosting an Icrontic Talent Show during Expo 2011.

All Expo Icrontic badgeholders are eligible to enter the contest. There is a stage at Tracey’s Cafe. Bring your best performance! Music, juggling,  magic, singing, poetry, stand-up comedy, whatever it is… Show your talents for laughs, cheers, and prizes.

We’ll have informal judging and winners will get prizes. Make sure you sign up when you buy your Expo Icrontic ticket!


  1. CB
    CB How much time is each entrant being allotted? I would do a reading of one of my short-stories, but that takes about 40 min. so I'm sure that's out... Maybe some poetry...
  2. primesuspect
    primesuspect I'd say to keep it reasonable, 10-15 minutes per entrant. I mean, we'll play it by ear, depending on the number of signups we have.
  3. Myrmidon
    Myrmidon GUITARS: yet another thing I need to find a way to transport.
  4. MAGIC
    MAGIC So, I need to learn how to juggle chainsaws while balancing a shopping cart full of bowling balls on my chin in four months? Challenge accepted.
  5. QuadWhore
    QuadWhore There needs to be the Gearmobile that is the official Icrontic transport vehicle to move all the equipment needed by the fellow musicians of Icrontic. If I were to bring my gear, it would just be a bitch to carry it all by hand.
  6. UPSLynx
    UPSLynx I might sing something.
  7. cola
    cola I might be talented at something...
  8. Annes
    cola wrote:
    I might be talented at something...

    Just read one of CB's poems. Preferably an erotic one.
  9. cola
    cola Or I could rap, ask the UPS guys, I'm a great rappist.
  10. fatcat
    cola wrote:
    Or I could rape, ask the UPS guys, I'm a great rapist.

    this is what I read, and wondered how boys from Indiana knew you were good at rape...
  11. UPSLynx
    fatcat wrote:
    this is what I read, and wondered how boys from Indiana knew you were good at rape...


    Hey, I'm not from Indiana anymore, so I'm excluded from that comment. :buck:
  12. QuadWhore
    QuadWhore Indiana represent.

    Okay, I live in Toledo, Ohio. But I was born in Indianapolis, and lived in indiana until the 2nd grade. Ha.....

    Oh, but we were good rapists.
  13. primesuspect
    primesuspect Judging interest in the IC Talent Show. If you want to sign up officially, PM me.

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